This particular phrase has always been a magical one for me. Over the years the depth of it’s meaning has become more and more clear, and more and more relevant to my everyday life.

I am not entirely sure when the first time I heard it was… I am guessing that it must have been pretty early in life because I can remember stories and articles I wrote back in my twenties and they too started with a reflection as to how long the wisdom of these words have been bouncing around my brain. I am going to attribute it to “my dad used to say” because, for one it seems like something he would have told me. Another reason I will just say that it’s something my dad used to tell me is because I want to impress upon anyone reading this just full wisdom my father appeared to be, to me.

So yeah… as my father used to say to me, whenever I found myself in a dark place, or grew frustrated when something I really wanted to happen seemed impossible.

silhouette of tree near body of water during golden hour
Photo by Pixabay on


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