What is happening?
I just had another amazing day working out some of the new tools for this site.
I just created a bunch of forum and special pages to help users connect.As of today there is now a new page under the Spotlights page for;
Help Wanted, Volunteers, Buy/Sell/Trade, showcasing your projects and campaigns, and a few others. I know that, like everything else going into this, it’s probably be switched out, changed and renamed a few dozen times before the spotlight section is ready to go, but it feels good knowing that I figured out how to add these tools because they are huge part of what we are looking to create here with Emergence.
About Me

Scott Bayden Love
ECS Bridge Builder
I have done a lot of things with this miracle called life.
Connection with Spirit
Building Teams
Creating amazing LIVE experiences
Inspiring others
Editor of ECS Magazine
Documenting the independent spirit through arts, music, and culture
Portals Podcast
Showcasing artists and activists so the world will know who they are and what they are doing. "Let's Get Inspired!"
Event coordination
I put on amazing events from time to time.
Shining a Light!
Building the ECS Platform to support inspired beings!

Sustainable Living Hacks
Public Group

Cat Lovers United
Public Group