Our Mission is help boost confidence and inspire creativity in the hearts and minds of creators, organizers, and actionists around the world.

ECS will do this by being a trusted source for vital information, networking, and resources, that can help inspire and support a more conscious (Thoughtful) global community.

group of people standing inside room
Connection & Community!

The Mission of The Emergence CreativeSpace, as well as that of Portals Podcast, is to create a network of inspired, empowered, and active people and organizations (See Vision Statement) who are dedicated to creating projects and action-based initiatives that help to make the lives we lead and the world we live in better.

wooden letter tiles in close up photography

ECS will do this by:
Creating Media and Content that creates a spotlight for concepts and ideas that plant a seed in the hearts and minds of those who watch/read them.
Sponsor Projects and Programs that are designed to bring knowledge and opportunities for participants.
Provide Tools and Resources, via the ECS website & Platform, that help people and organizations with access to information and mechanisms that further their mission.
Host Live Events, both in person, community gatherings and virtual meet-ups.
These events have a 3-fold purpose; Informing, Entertaining, and Empowering guests.
– With the ECS Beacons Social Platform. (SIGN UP).
Beacons is a place where like minded people and organizations can meet others and share their ideas and platforms, projects and efforts, with one another.
– There is more to come, this is just the beginning!

group of multiethnic people gathering around female speaker in studio
People coming together to create change!


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