Have you ever heard the phrase “The Journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step”? This is another one of those phrases that have been in my life for as long as I can remember. It was attributed to being one of the many inspirational quotes by Confucius. One of many.

But truth is “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is a common saying that originated from a Chinese proverb. The quotation is from Chapter 64 of the Dao De Jing ascribed to Laozi,[1] although it is also erroneously ascribed to his contemporary Confucius.[2] This saying teaches that even the longest and most difficult ventures have a starting point; something which begins with one first step.

The phrase is also translated as A journey of a thousand miles begins from under the feet[3] “and a thousand mile journey begins where one stands”

I remember a book of inspirational quotes sitting on our coffee table when I was a kid, and I was fascinated by this book. It offered a glimmer of light in my world back then, which was a bit of a dark place. My mother would randomly ask me to read one from the book for her, she would ask me what I though it was about, what it meant, and then we would discuss it for a minute.

It spoke to me about not fearing an impending challenge that seemed impossible because it was either too much to fathom accomplishing, or one that I knew would take a long time to finish. It also speaks to the number one reason that most “HUGE” tasks are never finished. And this is because they were never started in the first place. They were too intimidating, made us feel anxiety even thinking about. So we never even begin.

Of course I didn’t use those words at the time. I probably said something about how every step gets us closer to that 1000 mile mark. And she related to to something that hit a bit closer to home, and I can honestly say that understanding this quote was a very pivotal moment in my young life. From that moment on things changed.

How? Well, I HATED cleaning. Especially my bedroom.

I remember one time in particular when I hadto clean my room, after ignoring it for what must have been weeks. I was the kind of kid, first of all I was ADHD as all get out, and had the habit of just tossing things around randomly when I was done with it.

There would be clothes piled up, toys from corner to corner, and sometimes a snack that somehow or other, found it’s way on to the floor.

I also remember knowing that I would have to take care of that bedroom sooner or later, but I always put it off for later. It was just too much for me to want to start. And this was a pattern for me. I would procrastinate all kinds of things because it just seemed like such huge task to my little hands and little brain to comprehend.

Oh my, the arguments I would have with my mom. I can’t even tell you how many times I would be grounded “until your room is cleaned” and how I would just feel so defeated. I HATED cleaning my room. THERE WAS JUST SOOOOOO MUCH!

But, of course, the idea of missing the Dukes of Hazard was more upsetting to me than having to clean my room, and looking back I now realized that my mother probably strategically picked whatever night The Duke Boys were on to put me to the task of cleaning my room.

I would hide things under my bed, stuff them in the closet, try to cover them up with clothes… whatever I could do. And then I would have to start all over once my ruse was discovered.

Then one day, I read that quote in that book on the coffee table. It said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It was a simple yet profound statement that resonated with me deeply. Suddenly, it all made sense. I realized that instead of focusing on the enormity of the task at hand, I could break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. I no longer had to tackle everything all at once; I could take it one step at a time.

This newfound perspective shifted my mindset entirely. I decided to apply this approach to cleaning my room. Instead of seeing it as an overwhelming chore, I saw it as an opportunity for progress. I started by clearing out the clothes from the floor, then organizing my toys, and finally tidying up the remaining clutter. Each completed task felt like an accomplishment, fueling my motivation to keep going.

Not only did this method work wonders for cleaning my room, but it also transformed how I approached other challenges in my life. I realized that by taking that first step, no matter how small, I was already making progress towards my goals. It taught me the importance of perseverance and embracing the journey, rather than getting caught up in the final destination.

From that day forward, I no longer dreaded cleaning my room or any other seemingly daunting task. I understood that every step I took, no matter how small, was significant and would eventually lead me to my desired outcome. This mindset shift had a profound impact on my young life, instilling in me a sense of empowerment and a belief in my own ability to overcome obstacles.

Looking back, I am grateful for that book of inspirational quotes and the wisdom it imparted. It served as a guiding light during a time when I needed it most. The lessons I learned from that book continue to resonate with me today, reminding me to never underestimate the power of taking that first step, for it is the foundation upon which great accomplishments are built.


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